Observations of the human species during a seven-decade
surveillance mission from another dimension
By William Buhlman
Mission Report 0218
My consciousness was downloaded into an alien bipedal humanoid body seven decades ago. The mission was close surveillance of the dominant Earth species; to observe, examine, and report their collective norms, behaviors, and states of consciousness. It has been a long and difficult mission, filled with countless hardships.
This dense reality-training planet is overflowing with billions of humanoids that are suffering from a severe form of mass amnesia. They remain completely unaware of their spiritual self-identity or purpose and actually believe they are their temporary animal bodies. I can report that this biological species possesses no memory of where they come from before their physical entry, and no knowledge of where they are going at their exit from their temporary biological body. It’s a strange reality where the inhabitants have forgotten everything that is of importance to their existence, even their purpose for visiting this strange environment.
During my seven-decade mission, I have learned from experience to quietly observe and remain silent about the inhabitants’ serious case of amnesia. As required, I have become proficient at pretending to assimilate into their various collective realities centered on entertainment diversions, acquiring physical objects, and repeated personal dramas. On many occasions I have observed that they have a tendency to become angry and even violent if you question their numerous weird beliefs and conclusions. They love to defend their many illusions.
Human Species Overview
The eight billion human inhabitants are a divided species with 195 separate countries, each with their own rules, norms, and forms of government. They are often very territorial concerning their artificially made borders and have a history of violent conflicts over land, water, and other natural resources. They speak almost seven thousand different languages and seldom agree on anything. They divide themselves even further with thousands of different strange religions, beliefs, and gods. Their behavior is interesting to observe as they worship and pray to invisible gods while they destroy their fellow humans and their environment in endless conflicts. The species remains fractured, chaotic, and often hostile toward each other.
Most humans spend their entire lives focused on physical survival and countless entertainment and ego-enhancing pursuits. They love to purchase, collect, and display inanimate objects in their personal spaces. They appear to take great effort and pride in acquiring a wide array of physical things in all shapes and sizes. Many humans spend their entire life in the quest for more and more physical possessions. This is especially dysfunctional considering that none of these objects will accompany them when they shed their temporary bio vehicle and continue their journey of consciousness into the nonphysical dimensions.
After thousands of years of human evolution, they remain unaware that they are a nonphysical species temporarily visiting an alien planet. They fail to understand that they are immortal consciousness using a physical body as a temporary vehicle of expression in a dense training reality.
From birth, they are easily programmed by and follow the dominant norms and beliefs of their surrounding consensus collective. Humans often become attached to numerous manmade beliefs and often create adversaries of fellow humans that differ in their beliefs. They fail to comprehend that they have the innate ability to experience and explore beyond their temporary bio vehicle and obtain the answers for themselves.
The Many Challenges Experienced Entering the Physical Training Reality Called Earth
I know from experience that visiting this physical training ground is extremely challenging. From the first moment of my entry into a helpless biological body, I was completely immersed within an intense human conditioning and indoctrination system. I immediately had to adapt to and learn to operate a dense biological machine. It took me years of trial and error to control the new human body and then learn to effectively communicate. From my entry on Earth, I was systematically programmed to memorize and accept a host of human beliefs, norms, and rules without question. What followed was many years of intense human indoctrination and socialization. Every aspect of my existence was programmed so I would assimilate into the collective; all my physical, emotional, and mental responses were instructed. My physical appearance, my self-identity, my manner of communication and beliefs, even my hair style and the kind of clothes I wore were micromanaged to fit the acceptable social collective mold. It became clear that effectively melding into the human society and culture was imperative for my survival.
My Earth mother’s religious and political beliefs were drilled into my mind from a young age. At one point in my childhood, I was forced to memorize an entire book of religious rules and then repeat it to the dominant religious male elder. If I failed to pass the weird memory test, my Earth mother and I could be ostracized from the religious cult. This traumatizing interrogation was my first major wakeup call. I clearly saw the obvious indoctrination for what it was and from that point on, I secretly rejected any further religious propaganda.
It became clear that every human is indoctrinated and molded by the surrounding collective. Each individual is programmed to fit into the prevailing society and culture. The end result is that some humans have never had a truly original thought. They are largely a product of the beliefs and conclusions of their family, social group, and immediate environment. There are unspoken penalties for those who don’t comply or conform to the powerful socialization process, such as being potentially ostracized from the familiar family unit and the local society in general.
Humans appear to be addicted to viewing small electronic devices used for communication. They carry these devices with them at all times, and this obsession is a focus of much of their attention. They invest immense time into watching a home-entertainment system that hypnotizes them into believing the most bizarre ideas. On a daily basis they consume a constant stream of mass- media programming and indoctrination they receive daily from their entertainment systems. It appears that the core purpose for this mass-media propaganda is to create divisions and fear in the population.
They are obsessed with watching any form of entertainment that involves the movement of a small ball. Massive structures and green spaces are built so that billions can watch a small sphere being moved around a designated space. They get highly excited and personally attached to the entire process and the outcome. Many wear strange matching outfits, drink large quantities of alcoholic beverages, and believe they are somehow important to the result of the game.
Humans live in various structures they call homes and some are stacked together, reminding me of a bee hive. Others live in individual boxes of various sizes. They seem to take great pride in the structure they possess and often create distinct borders separating themselves from their fellow inhabitants.
They often move about their environment using various wheeled vehicles. Many of them obsess about the appearance of their vehicles. What I find ironic is that they remain unaware that their current biological body is also a vehicle—their own personal, temporary vehicle for their consciousness. It’s a strange reality to observe millions of human vehicles operating millions of metal transportation vehicles.
Keep in mind that you have been completely immersed in the human condition since your arrival on Earth decades ago. This will impact and color your perceptions of the physical inhabitants. As you observe the humans it’s important to always look beyond the physical façade and examine the unseen energies, intentions, and potential lessons behind their words and actions. Keep in mind that the primary goal of this dense training reality is the evolution of consciousness through personal experience. Most souls visiting matter learn most through their challenging experiences, not the easy ones.
Mission Report 0252
Remembering my Pre-Mission Planning
During my extensive pre-mission briefing before my entry into the physical human body, many details and strategies had to be examined. My insertion was planned for the Earth year 1950. The selection of my biological portal parents was a much debated issue. The goal was to create the best projected future living conditions so I could overcome the greatest challenge to my mission: the complete memory wipe of my new body’s conscious mind at birth. How do I recall my primary mission purpose and objective when I will have no conscious memory of it? This was the greatest obstacle to resolve. After extensive debate with my mission- planning council, it was determined that the selection of dysfunctional parents and a difficult childhood environment could create the conditions needed for me to seriously question the nature and purpose of my immediate physical environment. It was hoped that the harsh conditions of my childhood would create deep, lasting questions about my personal reality. It was projected that this demanding life experience would propel me to greater inquiries into the entire purpose for my existence as a human animal. I knew before my physical insertion that this Earth undercover mission was going to be the most challenging experience of my existence.
I agreed with the planning council that at some point in my Earth incursion, it was essential for me to awaken and remember my mission’s purpose. It was clear that a dramatic, life-changing wakeup event was required to create the necessary shift of my heavily programmed human consciousness. During meetings, several common amnesia wakeup methods were discussed, including a near-death experience and a life-threatening illness or accident. All of these potential consciousness-wakeup approaches carried the possibility of physical or mental impairment or even death. Since both my physical and mental acuity was required for my mission, these often-used “wakeup” options were considered a backup plan during my visit to Earth.
Therefore, after much debate another wakeup option was considered.
In 1972, my pivotal “awareness wakeup event” occurred. I was introduced to a book about out-of-body experiences and how to self-initiate them. A friend handed me the book with the statement, “This is wild, you have to experience it to believe it!” The idea of leaving my body sounded a bit crazy and highly improbable but I was curious and intrigued by the possibilities. Out of curiosity I read the book and decided to do one of the techniques for a full month.
Every night before sleep I practiced a simple twenty-minute visualization method as I fell to sleep. On the 24th night I awoke facing the wall and vibrating intensely. I reached out my hand and to my surprise my hand entered the wall. Stunned, I stared at my hand; it appeared like a human form made of tiny bluish stars. Struggling to remain calm, I began to sit up and slowly separate from my body. My mind was clear as I adjusted to the strange experience of standing by the foot of the bed and examined my environment. The room looked like my bedroom but the space was a different color and larger. In amazement, I clearly observed a bearded man wearing a robe standing at the door who appeared to be observing me. Startled, I immediately returned to my body and was wide awake all night trying to wrap my mind around my experience. I knew it was not a dream and after much thought, I realized that I must have exited my body and observed another dimensional reality that exists somehow parallel with matter. This experience shattered all my comfortable physical perceptions of reality and changed everything I thought was true or real. I began to seriously reappraise everything I believed about my reality and my very existence.
After my first out-of-body experience I became obsessed to know more and began to explore this unseen reality on a daily basis; what I learned was mind- expanding beyond my wildest dreams. With repeated experiences and observations beyond my body, it became clear that parallel dimensions existed just beyond our vision and these realities are teeming with life. However, I quickly found that sharing my new knowledge with others was difficult; the entire subject was unknown to everyone around me so I learned to keep my nonphysical explorations to myself. Excited and unafraid, I began the lifetime journey to explore and awaken to my true self, the truth of our amazing existence beyond the physical world, and my original mission for entering this dense world. I quickly realized I was not a biological human animal but a nonphysical alien visitor in a strange reality surrounded by a population suffering from a serious form of mass amnesia. I was driven to find answers and had to know more!
It became clear that attempting to communicate my nonphysical explorations and observations was an extremely difficult task. How do I explain our mind-blowing multidimensional, immortal existence to a state of consciousness that believes they are bipedal animals? How do you tell a human that they are not a biological species at all? How do I explain that their biblical heavens are actually a series of magnificent, nonphysical dimensions inhabited by countless beings? I truly felt like a stranger in an alien world.
director’s Response
You were never alone; we have helped to guide and protect your physical body during your entire Earth mission. Humans seldom comprehend the unseen purpose for the physical challenges they experience. For example, we were present to assist during your physical healing and during the serious vehicle crashes that occurred in your youth. After each event you walked away unharmed even through the vehicles were destroyed. Later in your incursion cancer slowed down your busy physical life and gifted you with the much-needed space to examine your very existence and write multiple books.
Your extensive pre-mission planning sessions were critical preparation for your mission into the physical. Because of your numerous other visits within the Earth reality, you were aware of some the challenges you would confront. The conscious memory-delete at physical entry is always the most difficult issue to resolve upon entering matter. Your creative use of self-initiated OBEs for this purpose proved effective. You also achieved an important reduction of your fear barrier.
Mission Report 0258
The Human Biological Vehicle of Consciousness
The human body is an amazing and efficient biological vehicle for consciousness in a dense reality like Earth. The bipedal design, thumb and finger dexterity, and the relatively large biological brain make it an effective vehicle for consciousness in many different physical realities. It has proven to be adaptable and versatile in challenging and hostile environments. During my nonphysical explorations, I discovered that this basic bipedal design is used within many different training realities throughout the physical and nonphysical dimensions.
Humans possess immense creativity, persistence, focus, and the ability to alter their environment to their individual and collective will. They display the ability to overcome major obstacles and cooperate as a collective when required for a common goal. In addition, they exhibit many positive traits such as creativity, curiosity, love, and compassion. Since my arrival on the planet, the species population has grown from three billion to over eight billion inhabitants. This is remarkable since they have a long history of killing each other in massive numbers during their frequent self-destructive wars. In summary, I feel that the human biological vehicle serves as an operational tool for the continuing evolution of consciousness.
Family Units
In general, the family dynamic is an important element of the species’ consciousness curriculum. It provides a positive and stabilizing force in their societies and cultures. Families create a much-needed training and support system for their offspring and themselves as they age. Most importantly, it allows for a strong connection of love to develop and flourish. It allows for humans to express unconditional love and self-sacrifice for another being.
It’s clear that families and children provide a wide range of beneficial consciousness training for the humans; self-sacrifice, patience, unconditional love, self-reflection, and daily planning are just a few of the positive qualities gained. It allows for many to move beyond their self-centered ego mind and place the needs of other beings above their personal needs and desires.
director’s response
The human family dynamic can also provide many confrontational situations for all the participants to learn and grow. Human personalities, expectations, and actions are diverse and can lead to serious family divisions that require forgiveness and healing. This is another opportunity for personal growth through their close interactions. Essential soul qualities such as unconditional love and acceptance can be expressed and developed during family-related challenges.
The same attributes are experienced by humans with their animal friends. They often appear to love their pets like family members, often more than their fellow humans. The expressing of unconditional love for another being is the hallmark of an evolved soul.
Human Leadership and Governments
During my seventy years on Earth, I have witnessed a constant state of conflict somewhere on the planet. Their leaders have a documented history of seeking power and control over their subjects. They have a record of creating laws and dictates that benefit themselves and their inner circle. For thousands of years human leadership—unaware of their true selves—continue to shepherd their indoctrinated citizens into barbaric wars that murder millions. Most humans don’t seem to see the connection between the wealthy politicians, the war profiteers, the weapons manufacturers, and the constant conflicts that they are forced to fight.
Increasingly, the concepts of personal responsibility, freedom, and self-fulfillment are replaced by massive government programs that create compliant lifetime dependents and diminish self-worth and the individual need for personal creative achievement and freedom. Regular financial payments and various free handouts are commonly used to keep the masses subservient to the wealthy government overlords and their allies. When I examined past human civilizations, I found that the same control systems were often present throughout human history. In ancient Rome, wagonloads of bread and competitive diversionary games were regularly presented to the masses to keep them occupied and compliant to the ruling class.
Most human governments have few oversight controls to stop the abuses of unlimited power, control, and money. It’s common for many public servants to become immensely rich from the selling of government influence, massive insider trading, and financial contracts for personal profit. Many government leaders remain in power for decades. The human populations appear to have grown numb to the constant institutional corruption of their government leaders. Those few that speak up are often investigated, penalized, and even imprisoned—even in the countries that claim to be free and democratic.
I have observed that as the power of any human government increases, the personal freedom of the population deceases. Citizens are often told they live in a democracy of equals when in reality a powerful few constantly manipulate and control all the rules the masses play by. Often the perception of democracy is a well-orchestrated illusion. I discovered that the established political systems hinder any new political group from participation in the voting process. This effectively eliminates all competitive political groups from any potential growth, funding, and media exposure.
Authoritarian Control of the Collective Consciousness
The humans’ mass indoctrination is amazing to observe; many will follow authority no matter how extreme the dictates and manipulation. Their political overlords control numerous aspects of their daily lives: the volume of water from their showers, the amount of energy they use in all their personal electronic devices, the type of energy they use to heat, cool and cook food in their homes, and the type of devices they can use to maintain their individual green spaces. The control even extends to the kind of light bulbs and appliances they are allowed to use in their homes.
Humans are programmed from their youth to accept this government control as normal. The authoritarian dictates are often imposed by small groups of unseen political operatives. I watched as humans’ daily personal lives, communications, travel, and financial activity are monitored by several massive, uncontrolled, government surveillance organizations. The beloved human concept of freedom is an illusion when obsessed government bureaucrats are in control.
It's ironic that the human citizens actually finance the highly abusive surveillance organizations with the taxes they are forced to pay. In addition, they fund powerful organizations that control and enforce the systematic theft of their personal income. This process of institutional theft continues to the day of their death and even beyond. The authoritarian abuses are so ingrained in human societies that the indoctrinated populations are programmed to comply. Most humans are afraid to confront or resist this powerful system for fear of serious fines, harassment, and theft of their personal income or property.
I have watched in amazement as humans blindly followed the government’s dictates to wear masks, remain imprisoned in their homes, and inject experimental drugs into their bodies—even when they are perfectly healthy. In some areas, personal travel and visits to sick and dying loved ones were banned. Most are so brainwashed that they accept the loss of their personal freedoms without objection. Under the guise of the “common good,” a few authoritarian bureaucrats manipulate the daily lives and behavior of the entire population. Real personal freedom and personal choice becomes a distant memory under this unlimited, abusive reign by a few power-obsessed individuals.
director’s Response
Yes, the external conditions will have immense impact on each developing soul. The physical challenges are often chosen by the soul before they enter matter. Each challenge is an opportunity for learning in the eternity of our existence. Physical humans remain focused on their current lifetime and don’t perceive the inner multidimensional path they travel.
But all souls possess free will, so their journeys into matter are charted by the individual choices they make throughout their physical lifetimes. Their personal decisions and actions determine their life experiences. They alone are responsible for their choices before and after they enter the physical dimension.
All souls are inherently powerful and have the ability to shape and mold their personal reality. However, they must learn to take responsibility for their creative abilities or be swept away by the prevailing thoughts of the dominant collective environment. We know this can be difficult when surrounded by the raging currents of human indoctrination and programming. This is one of the harsh challenges of the physical training ground.
Recorded Human History
The written human history is seriously flawed because it’s often recorded by the victors in all conflicts. They have a strange habit of altering, reframing, or erasing human history and then repeating the same violent events. They never seem to learn from their own self-destructive history and continue to allow their authoritarian governments and religious leaders to manipulate them into ever more divisions, conflicts, and wars against their fellow inhabitants.
Human Justice Systems
The concept of human justice is strange to observe; the wealthy criminals often walk free as the poor are sent to primitive prisons for minor infractions. The various Earth justice systems often show favoritism to the rich, famous, and politically connected. The wealthy receive excellent legal representation and are seldom if ever imprisoned while the poor fend for themselves, locked in jails and waiting for their day in court. This kind of system leads to increasing division and hostility within the growing human populations. Based upon the last two thousand years of human history, the politically connected and wealthy will continue to control and manipulate the various justice systems on Earth.
director’s Response
Remember to be objective and non-judgmental in your reports. Remaining detached is a requirement for all field agents. We know this is difficult when you are completely immersed in an alien culture and society. Always look for the unseen inner purpose for the outer physical actions and events. All physical events begin within the inner dimensions as a thought before they manifest in matter. Always examine the unseen energy source and purpose of all outer physical events.
Mission Report 0287
Mass-Media Mind Control
Since the humans remain unaware of who or what they are, the entire species is easily manipulated by the dominant religious and political beliefs of their society and culture. From birth, they are immersed in a lifetime of mass-media programming and indoctrination. I find it amusing that the media mind-control machine is called “news” by most humans. It’s a powerful industry controlled by a handful of ultra-wealthy individuals. On a daily basis, the mass media actively influences and alters public option and the collective thought patterns to support their personal agendas and those of their political allies. Every day they systematically attack, slander, and destroy their perceived enemies and provide propaganda support for their friends and comrades, all under the protected cover of objective news and journalism. They are masters of mass deception, misdirection, and falsehood.
Education Systems
The humans’ education system is largely a social and cultural indoctrination system that teaches uniformity and the memorization of basic information. When students complete their many years of government programming, they often leave with no useable or marketable skills and are completely unfit for personal physical survival. Even the basics of logical thinking and effective written and oral communication skills are often replaced with theories and methods of social engineering from a government and religious authoritarian perspective.
In a positive development, I have observed that an increasing number of humans are questioning the mass-media programming of diversion, division, and fear- mongering. Many humans now see that that universities have been taken over with biased eduction, often misrepresenting facts to fit activtivist narratives.
director’s Response
We are encouraged that many humans have become increasingly aware of the divisions and hatred created by the mass-media and government programming. Many are learning to become more objective and question the propaganda and indoctrination that fills their various media outlets. As an agent you must also remain objective when making your observations.
Human Creativity
The written history of this species is overflowing with impressive works of art in literature, sculpture, building and architecture, painting, music, and other forms of creative expression. Their creativity is outstanding and has quickly evolved into various new media such as computer graphics, species-wide information-sharing, various forms of altered-state induction, and consciousness-expanding programs. This area of humanity has the potential to become a positive contribution to their various diverse cultures and societies. Historically, many of their art forms have a unifying effect on their populations. Their uplifting forms of creative art reveal what they are capable of as a species.
Human Sciences
Human sciences have advanced in many areas but continue to be relatively primitive because they remain focused on dense, three-dimensional reality concepts and observations instead of multidimensional studies. After centuries of scientific observation and practice, they still view matter as the center of the universe when it is well known in advanced realities that physical reality is only the thin outer crust of our vast multidimensional continuum. As long as they focus on the epidermis of the universe, they will never truly evolve their sciences and uncover the unseen nature and reality of their existence and their place within it. It is hoped that they will eventually awaken to the fact that they are making erroneous one-dimensional observations and conclusions in a multidimensional universe.
To my surprise, their current sciences continue to teach that the biological brain is the source of consciousness. Most of their scientists insist that electrical impulses in the brain create consciousness. They fail to comprehend that consciousness is the animating force of all physical life. Even after millions of near-death and out-of-body experiences, they still remain focused on their preconceived conclusions and on matter instead of consciousness.
Their sciences continue to affirm that time is linear. They fail to see that time is a human construct designed to track the decay of matter. As consciousness we never experience time, decay, or aging; what is time to an immortal?
As a species, they claim to follow science yet many believe that only human animals possess soul/consciousness. Some still believe the planet Earth is only one hundred thousand years old and that their tiny planet is the only inhabited one. They are capable of believing the most bizarre ideas.
The core obstacle to current human scientific progress is their failure to understand that they are a nonphysical species of consciousness and that their own existence extends far beyond the physical world and the changing dramas of one lifetime.
Alien Sightings and Contact
The humans are obsessed with daily reports of worldwide alien craft sightings and visitations. I find it interesting that they never stop to realize that they themselves are an alien species visiting Earth for a unique adventure. They forget that after their brief Earth visit, they return to their nonphysical-dimension home. They continue to look into the sky instead of peering within themselves for the answers. I have found it amusing to watch them talk about alien lifeforms traveling in large metal cans through the vastness of physical space. They fail to understand that any advanced species would travel instantly via multidimensional portals.
Impact of Religious beliefs
Throughout history, humans have created thousands of religions and have worshiped countless different deities, gods, and images. Instead of seeking the unseen reality of their existence, humans have created extensive rituals, dogmas, and doctrines. Religious followers appear to take comfort from the manmade stories. Several authoritarian religions continue to dictate the rules their followers must live by, similar to a powerful governmental organization. Some of these religions operate beyond the established norms of current human societies.
Many human religions control their followers with a primitive but effective carrot- and-stick system. If you follow, obey, and financially support the organization, you go to a mythical paradise for eternity at death. If you disobey, you are sent to some dreadful hell world. This archaic system of control has allowed many religions to expand and prosper for over a thousand years. Because most humans remain unaware of their spiritual self, they are easily manipulated by the prevailing authoritarian religions within their environment. Many of these religions are controlled by a single individual and gender, essentially creating a second-class status for half the population.
They appear to revere a few ancient books while the same humans are known to ban or burn other religious books they may disagree with. During my research into their religions, I have found that over two thousand human-created gods have existed, yet they still believe their current one will deliver them to their promised paradise.
In general, billions of humans continue to follow manmade religious beliefs and dictates with a fervor. They worship unseen gods as they allow and even endorse the murder of their fellow inhabitants. For centuries, religions have created divisions, adversaries, and conflicts that have destroyed the lives of millions of their fellow inhabitants. It’s a strange indoctrination to observe. They follow manmade doctrines when the answers to the mysteries of life are available, patiently waiting within each of them.
director’s Response
Keep in mind that religions and governments provide a necessary stabilizing force for developing human populations. They often provide an important level of comfort, hope, and even basic rules of behavior. This form of social stability is necessary in an evolving collective consciousness. When individuals are ready, they awaken to their ability to experience their true self and begin to explore their multidimensional existence. The self-aware soul awakens and does not need to be told what to believe.
Mission Report 0291
The Progress of Human Evolution
After decades of observation and study, I have observed that the species continues to display wide extremes of behavior. They have a history of violence but also are known to provide amazing assistance and care to victims of violence. They are highly creative and industrious and have a remarkable ability to create large structures and cities, but they also destroy and pollute their entire environment. They adapt quickly to challenging external conditions and overcome obstacles extremely well. Their technology has made impressive advancements in a relatively short time span. They show an amazing ability to love and care for their family and friends and often express empathy and assistance for complete strangers. During various disasters, both natural and human-made, I have witnessed an outpouring of assistance, even to the point of risking their own lives to save another. In spite of their flaws, the species displays many positive attributes and the potential for expanded awareness.
A major hinderance to their evolution is their indoctrinated ego mind. They have a long history of being easily manipulated by powerful institutions and individuals that have developed authority over the collective. They possess free will but often fail to express it.
Positive Human Developments
During my mission I have observed an increase in individuals rejecting the institutional indoctrination and exploring the truth of their nonphysical nature in numerous ways. During the past five decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of humans pursuing the exploration of their consciousness. Practices such as meditation, yoga, lucid dreaming, out-of-body exploration, and various altered-state and trance-state methods have grown in popularity.
One fascinating and underreported development is the species’ dramatic increase in near-death and out-of-body experiences. Millions of humans have experienced profound forays beyond their physical bodies and are seeking answers to their existence. These transformational experiences have opened many human minds to the source of consciousness existing beyond their physical body.
Today many are questioning the old beliefs and asking serious questions about their purpose, origin, and destination at the death of their physical body. It’s been encouraging to witness so many humans seeking the unseen reality of their multidimensional existence. In an interesting development, they have created many useful methods of worldwide communication among the diverse countries and groups. This dialogue appears to increase their global cooperation and may even reduce the likelihood of their mutual destruction.
director’s Response
I agree that the physical humans possess many positive attributes. As a collective they have endured many challenges and are resilient. Over the centuries, they have adapted well to change and have the ability to learn, grow, and prosper as a species. Since they are immortal as consciousness, the time their education may take is a meaningless concept. Every human eventually graduates from the training ground and can dwell in the thought-responsive reality that resonates with their state of consciousness.
Mission Report 0294
Overview of the Core Issues Impacting the Human Species’ Evolution of Consciousness
Humans remain in a state of amnesia and ignorant of their multidimensional nature and their purpose for visiting Earth.
They rely solely upon their limited physical senses to perceive the reality of their existence. As a result, they see less than one percent of the vast multidimensional universe they dwell within.
They remain completely focused and obsessed with their physical body, and actually believe they are their race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and history. In doing so, they severely limit their conscious mind and limit their perception to the dense epidermis of our vast multidimensional universe.
The human mind is completely indoctrinated upon birth into accepting countless false beliefs and conclusions about their existence. This false self- identity creates serious dysfunctional and self-destructive results, both individually and collectively. The end result is constant conflicts and division with their fellow inhabitants and other tribes.
As a direct result of their lack of self-knowledge, they easily accept and model the flawed cultural norms and beliefs of their society and culture. From birth, they are completely programmed and pressured to accept the primitive beliefs of their family units and their collective society.
In general, humans continue to be easily manipulated and led. They are divided into many diverse groups and often believe that their collective beliefs are superior to those of their neighbor. They are driven to surround themselves with others of like mind to reinforce their many illusions of reality.
Major Threats to Humanity’s Evolution and Survival:Based on decades of observation, the number-one threat is humanity’s ignorance of their true immortal self. In addition, there are powerful forces that divide and manipulate the human race: power- and control-obsessed politicians, the military-industrial complexes, religious fanatics, and the polarizing and biased news/opinion mass-media propaganda programming. There are many divisive forces at work but these are the most insidious institutions inhibiting the spiritual evolution of the human species. All these powerful institutional machines prosper and expand as they promote constant fear-mongering and division and instill multi-generational hatred within the various tribes of humanity.
director’s Response
Your concern for the evolution of the human species is unwarranted. Based upon a spiritual perspective, all life continues and evolves. All life is an inner multidimensional journey of consciousness. There are countless training grounds/realities available, and no soul ever dies. The training reality called Earth is designed for the education of consciousness through conflict, drama, and inner relationships with others.
You have observed and reported the long human history of endless conflict and wars. This is true, but be aware that the physical training reality of Earth was never designed to be a utopia. Perfection is not its purpose. All physical existence is but a fleeting moment in eternity. All souls continue to grow, learn, and prosper in other dimensional environments. Countless magnificent thought- responsive realities are always available for souls to experience what they may require for their individual spiritual growth.
Mission Report 0298
The bottom line is clear; the human’s continuing ignorance of its immortal nonphysical self is the greatest threat to the physical species’ evolution and survival. It’s critical that humans awaken to their multidimensional nature before they destroy themselves and their planet. The species’ continuing mass amnesia and flawed self-identity remains a major obstacle.
What I find strange is that in their severely diminished state of consciousness, many believe that they are superior to all other life forms and think they are the only sentient life in our universe. In their ignorance, they often create flawed assumptions about their existence. I would estimate that 99% of their collective beliefs concerning their reality are flawed or false!
I understand your harsh assessment of humans. However, you fail to acknowledge the essential purpose for this demanding physical training reality.
In the eternity of our existence, thousands of years on Earth is only the blink of an eye. All the many lessons and knowledge learned are recorded in the core consciousness of each participant. Nothing is ever lost. Consciousness/Soul learns by becoming what it wishes to know. Effective education and training is always experiential. This is the primary purpose of all form-based life forms and realities. You only know something by becoming what you choose to know. All else is theory.
Mission Report 0300
Proposed Action Plan for the Earth training Reality
After seventy years of human observation, it is my assessment that the number of current and arriving self-aware writers and teachers is insufficient to alter the current trajectory of human self-destructive behavior. I would suggest sending a new wave of self-aware teachers to educate and inform the human populations of their nonphysical identity, their life’s purpose, and their actual nonphysical home. Provide clear, usable information, guidance, and instructions on how the humans can awaken to and experience their true self, explore the multidimensional dimensions, and awaken to their immense creative potential. End of current mission reports.
I would like to thank you for your patience with me during my mission. I have learned much from your guidance and now I understand that my current perceptions of humans are limited due to my focus on the physical world and its inhabitants. I have failed to comprehend the big picture of our immortal, multidimension journey through eternity. I now see that linear time does not exist and the training ground of soul is immense beyond all physical perception. Each human’s lifetime is like the single page of a great novel extending through eternity.
I know it’s challenging in our current physical body to fully comprehend the vast multidimensional journey I and all physical life forms are living. However, I now see the wisdom of multiple experiential physical lifetimes as an effective method for the development of souls. True knowledge and wisdom come from actually being the thing you desire to know. Anything less is speculation and intellectual theory. The time this educational process may take is meaningless since all souls are immortal. This amazing process of knowing through being is a revelation to me and explains many mysteries I have pondered. The spiritual evolution of all life forms is assured through this brilliant multidimensional educational system. My words alone cannot express my sincere appreciation for your loving presence during my entire Earth mission.
~ Confidential Report by an Undercover Agent, Code Name William Buhlman
RESPONSE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE PHYSICAL TRAINING REALITY, EARTH DIVISIONAll that you observed in your reports is expected in dense training realties. The current human mind cannot begin to comprehend the multidimensional path they travel. The education of consciousness is an extensive process, and since all souls are immortal, the length of time and the number of physical experiences is irrelevant to the result. Souls learn by becoming what they choose to know. Becoming a thing is the only way to truly know a thing!
Few are aware that their very entry into a physical body is an expansive extension of their consciousness into multiple, nonphysical energy vehicles. This consciousness expansion is but the beginning of the extensive education and training they receive by going physical. Through experience, souls learn to operate multiple energy bodies and even enter and control a biological body. Souls learn through experience to adapt to different and challenging energy vehicles/bodies and to navigate countless environments, cultures, and societies. The extensive training of all souls remains unseen to humans.
The physical dimension—including Earth—is designed to be a highly challenging training environment for consciousness. No one is forced to enter the demanding school of matter. To use a human term, it’s the ultimate virtual reality, providing intense lessons of complete realism not available in the nonphysical dimensions. During the extensive Earth training process, all souls have continued to exist. At the transition that humans call death, they transfer their consciousness to one of their existing nonphysical bodies and continue their journey into nonphysical realities.
The multidimensional educational system for consciousness is a brilliantly conceived system. Each soul continues to experience and grow at their own pace. Each creates their individual lessons based on the thoughts, choices, and actions they make. Because of free will, the personal training curriculum and its many lessons are essentially self-orchestrated by each individual soul. The time this educational process may take is meaningless since all are immortal. The experiential training system is highly efficient—everyone will eventually graduate!
© Copyright 2024 by William Buhlman
William Buhlman Books
William Buhlman’s books are available in print, Kindle, and Audible formats; they are available in nine languages.
Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-Of-Body Travel
If you ever wondered what might lie beyond the reality we experience every day, if you've ever thrilled to accounts of out-of-body travel and long to go along for the ride, this fascinating, practical guide is for you. America's leading expert on out-of-body travel tells the riveting story of his travels to other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques to guide you on your journey of a lifetime and beyond.
The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-of-Body Travel to Understand our True Nature
Based on an international survey with 14K responses In this remarkable book, William Buhlman offers the reader a comprehensive guidebook to understanding and exploring the fascinating phenomenon of out-of- body experiences (OBEs). Learn how you can:
Explore your true spiritual self and attain profound transformation in your awareness and knowledge of the universe.
Gain life-changing benefits as you break free from mental and physical limitations
Contact departed loved ones using OBEs to move beyond the current limited understanding of death.
Filled with engrossing stories based on the testimonies of people from all over the world, and offering forty new, easy-to-understand techniques, The Secret of the Soul will prepare human beings everywhere for the next major leap in the evolution of consciousness.
Adventures in the Afterlife
Adventures in the Afterlife is a powerful journey of spiritual awakening, a bold quest for answers and enlightenment. The old assumptions of heaven are confronted and an expansive new vision of our continuing life is presented. After being diagnosed with cancer, William Buhlman pursued answers to the mysteries of our existence after death. Confronting his mortality, he experienced profound insights into what lies beyond our physical body.
Higher Self Now! (co-written by Susan Buhlman)
Higher Self Now! is a powerful affirmation for immediate spiritual liberation; a modern guide book for personal transformation. Learn about the unseen nature of our existence, the continuing evolution of soul after death and how to navigate thought responsive realities. Develop your own Spiritual Directive as you discover the practices of an end-of-life coach. Through a variety of personal accounts and practical guidance, you can be prepared to assist your loved ones as they begin to transition from the physical world.
Beyond the Astral: Metaphysical Short Stories (co-written by Susan Buhlman)
Beyond the Astral is a collection of short stories inspired by the out-of-body experiences, lucid dreams, and explorations of consciousness that the authors have documented over the past decades. This book is designed to open a path to our unlimited possibilities by revealing the simple but sometimes powerful message found in the mysterious activities of our consciousness.
CD Sets with Hemi-Sync
Out-of-Body Techniques - https://hemi-sync.com/product/out-of-body-techniques-by-william-buhlman/
(also available in Japanese, Italian and Romanian)
Destination: Higher Self! - https://hemi-sync.com/product/destination-higher-self-album/
(also available in Japanese and Italian)
Other Recommended Reading
Just a Dream Away: After-Death Communication Through Dreams
by Claudia Carlton Lambright
This intriguing story leads the reader through two of life's most harrowing journeys: the loss of a parent and the loss of a spouse. In a tour-de-force, part memoir, part dream journal, part how-to guide, the author recounts her progression from just dreaming of her dead loved ones to communicating with them in her dreams. Her almost magical dream visits with her husband and her father offer reassurance that life doesn't end at physical death, and the closeness you had with your loved one can continue. Connection and healing are just a dream away.
The Odyssey of the Soul: Experiments on the Edge of Consciousness
By Franck Labat
Embark on an extraordinary voyage into the depths of human consciousness with The Odyssey of the Soul. This captivating book delves into the fascinating realm of out-of-body experiences, offering a unique perspective on the mysteries of our existence.